Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to clean out my closet for the design phase (estimate)?
No, it is not necessary to clean out the closet at this time. Actually I can tell best
what you have and how to store it this way.
I have more than one closet that needs help, but can I do one at a time?
Yes, you may, but I recommend doing them all at the same time. This will save
you a little money. Plus having one beautiful closet will just make you want the
do the others.
How much weight will the shelving hold?
The design phase will take care of that. Under normal use it will hold up fine,
see the picture of my daughter standing on a hanging shelf.
What does it cost to equip a closet for use?
Each person is different, therefore their storage needs differ. A simple 8 foot
wide and 2 foot deep reach in closet can be fixed for about $150.00. This is your
material installation since the design and estimate are free.
What do I as a homeowner need to do to prepare for installation?
In new construction generally there is nothing to do because the closet is clean
and ready. When the closet is in use the homeowner would need to take out the
contents of the closet, any shelves, polls, and hardware and paint the walls if